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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy Endings...

Occasionally I come across a post like this and I am reminded that I am not the only bliss-hungry soul around. We all have an ideal happy ending. Don't give me all the crab of landing your ideal job and netting $770k a year. Now, you would be happy but I wouldn't envision that as an appropriate "ending". The reason why that is an "ideal" job is likely to be the affililated paycheck, which is utterly worthless, unless you know how to spend it.

Now, thats where the fun begins, isn't it?

I would say that my happy ending is a variant of The Acccidental Blowjob's. She specified a nice little house in Bishan/Thomson area, a man whom she can tolerate living with, 2 dogs & 1 cat, hot sex every night. Except, I would prefer a secluded santuary off the usual packed high-rised neighbourhood/urban area, preferably in the low dense sub-urbs. Now, hot compassionate sex every night, few times each round, is definitely a plus. Well, perhaps, 4 times a week, as a realistic demand, for my partner to catch a breather.

Again, whats your happy ending?

While i'm at it, I might as well blog about another thing on my mind.

There is a reason why I find cats fascinating. Being a possessive lover by nature, I have always felt the need to keep the tightest of lease on my partners, physical and emotionally. Time over time, it has proven to be suicidal. Somehow after awhile, I learnt to let it go. Afterall, what is yours, is yours. And love, aien't possession.

Come side-effect, some time later, I think I actually associated love with No possession. And it was realised that a balance was needed. Thats when I came across the nature of cats. You never really own a cat, they are free-willed and you can't force them to do your exact biddings, unlike the ever-loyal dogs. A colleague once mentioned to me,"The thing about dogs is that they know who their owner is, and a cat, knows where their home is."

You can never totally own them, but you just got to learn to trust , let go and still love.

You have been gone for a day now. I miss you. Trust that fate is in order for your return.


At 12:29 AM, Blogger Skye said...

i love cats too ;P

thanks for the referral, glad i inspired something =)


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