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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Its a small world afterall...

I was reading through an earlier posting and saw this particular quote.

"Guess I'll just lap up the bliss while it lasts, nothing is forever anyway, except for diamond, which is utterly useless(except for proposals) by the way."

Sometimes, you should never say never, least you are prepared to eat your words here and then. Don't worry, I'm not getting married. lol.

Anyhow, lately, the emphasis on my most new life realisation, is how small Singapore really is. Apart from the fact that Angel's best friend and her hubby is a close friend of a reservist buddy of mine. And that my insurance agent turns out to be in the same reservist unit as me. I have an interesting and awkward story to share.

On the 14th of February, the wrath of Venus potentially awaits those males, whose other half turns green, on the realisation that they are on the other opposite side of those ladies with roses.
It happened last week, in the build-up to V-day, when every hot-blooded male is looking for the best rose bargain in town.

A friend threw me an offer I couldn't resist,"Call Wendy @ 9888-8888. Say you are Adrian's friend. 1 bouquet for $55, including delivery." Too good to be true, and too cheap to resist. I had to call no matter what.

So I dialed. No one picked up. Seconds later, my call was returned.

I took initiative in the teleconversation,"Hi. You must be Wendy."

She,"I'm not Wendy. I'm Nancy."

Moi,"Ok, Nancy. I heard you are doing roses?"

She,"Huh? TP, how you know I'm doing roses?! I'm Nancy leh..!"

It took me 5 seconds to register, that I KNOW this Nancy. Apparently, I was using a new phone, hence her number did not appear in the Caller ID when I dialed her number.

Now, this is not too bad still, until the awkwardness of the situation sinked in.

For you see, Nancy is the best-friend of the girl whom I turned down not too long ago due to "emotions unavailability". And yet, a month or two later, here I was, sending flowers and kisses to another girl through Nancy.

Now, I can only pray that when the flowers show up tomorrow, at least the Roses look like Roses and the leaves are green.


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