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Monday, February 14, 2005

14th February, wad day?! D-day!

For the singles, I believe there are 2 particular festive seasons in which the agenda to love-and-be-loved, serves as a brutal reminder to their relationship status. X'mas day and Valentines day.
But, is being single really that shameful? Definitely not. The key word here is loneliness. We need love, Man need woman and vice versa. Lets face it, Adam could still be wanking his head off if Eve did not come into the picture.
Adam is a lucky dude. Having a woman tailor-made for you is never since heard of in the history of mankind (For your info, in the bible, I believe that Leia was created before Eve and was rejected). "Adam is a lucky dude", such will be the sentiments of the single guys nowadays. Most Man aien't that lucky, you have gotta hunt for your Eve.
Its a bit too late for me to give a lecture on how to attain courtship as its already 2140 hours on 14th February. Those who had gone on their V-day dinner are probably eating themselves inside out now. In the meantime, I feel for these guys.

Another SNAG voices out again.

This guy should have taken the initiative.

Why is this guy blogging when he should be dating on V-day?


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