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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Sunday Update On The Campaign...

The campaign is running pretty well at the moment. I must thank everyone for being so sporting and supportive. Its been very enjoyable for me too.

The attention, yes, I'm an attention-whore if you haven't realise by now. Reading about my campaign on other blogs, I'm loving it. Thank you all for helping me to publicise. But for me, the best part was the fact that I knew people are amused by the entire affair and it makes me happy to know that people are laughing(thus, happy). Spread the love and laughters, make the world a better place. Just try not to do it in the controversial way that Michael Jackson does.

Just to tie up a few loose ends,

- Age limit has been lowered to 19, instead of 21 due to feedback from young chicksthe masses.
- Date of dinner, I'll probably make arrangements with the selected applicant. Remember, there is no one winner in this "contest", the rest are losers anyway, anyone who was entertain by the entire affair is a winner. Actually, there is not much doubt that the final one at the dining table stands to gain the most. Also, I'm not sure if I wanna announce the date before the dinner. Well, i'm paranoid lah. Dun want blog-ders or worst still, reporter to be on stand-by, to spy on this significant event. I may casually blog about it after the dinner though.
- Due to confidentially issue, I may not announce the selected lady. Well, we all understand that the entire affair is just a casual and fun one. But still, girls are girls. They reserve the rights to be shy about it.

Its a great day. Soccer in the morning and heavy showers in the noon. Laziest of Sunday it can ever get. Hope you had a great weekend as well. Hang in there, the next weekend will coming round the corner.



At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

reduced age limit ar? another ROM, er no, SSOM with SYT...

At 8:25 PM, Blogger Lexandria said...

weee!!! 19 i can join! ;X

At 10:44 PM, Blogger urbanmalebitch said...

Hmmm... getting paedophaelic by the day eh? Why not lower it down to 16? Heh..., best of luck, though I don't think you would need it.

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass me all those application that you reject can? I help you clear some stock.

At 4:06 PM, Blogger gracey said...

hope u will find the special one to have dinner with you..

At 10:35 PM, Blogger TriplePeriod said...

linda: SSOM? Hmmm...what does it mean?

lexandria: Yeah. No need application fee too. Good hor? =D

bitchy: 16....16....16....hmmmm...

LBT: Since you so persistent, let me look into out-sourcing...

gracey: Thanks. =)

At 1:46 AM, Blogger brama said...

Don't reveal the winner? How can?

Oh well, just remember to blog about the date ... using a pseudonym for her...


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