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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Purest of Pain...

Despite my current carefree state of mind, I'll be lying if I say I'm a walking, invulnerable heart of steel.

I realise there is only one thing more hurting than someone not loving you. Its when you realise that the other party chooses to believe that you don't love as much as you really did.

While the former cuts fast and sharp, the latter leaves a lingering pain that refuses to turn numb.

Billionaire is the next one to create an anasthetic for the heart.


At 8:45 PM, Blogger me said...

people reap what they sow. why did the perception arises? somwhere along the journey, things ocurred but was never addressed?

If one party feels that the love invested in the relationship is lop-sided, it's going to reap bad fruit in time to come. Want to address the issue, then BOTH party has to thrash things out.

just abit of rambling here....grrrrrr.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger sassyjan said...

Sometimes, it is just as painful for us not to believe.

The uncertainty of how the other party truly feels kills us emotionally too. We women are worried of being fooled.

*sigh* I'm in the shoes of ur lady fren, my dear.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Jaschocolate said...

i like this song.. i know this is a bit irrelevant...

At 8:51 PM, Blogger TriplePeriod said...

justme: Yeah, agree that its always best for things to be trashed out earlier.

Janice: How sad Venus is.

PMG: Agree dude.

emiryo: I thought the former is easier to work on. After all, its just between you and yourself.


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