Drive To The Wild West...
If anyone is to ask me what I like best about my job, I would give the following canned-answers "Getting to meet people" , "The satisfaction of closing a deal." and "Self-management of time and flexibility of job scope".
The real answer.
"The times when I get to be driving around and listening to music."
I feel that driving is very therapeutic although I am unable to pin-point exactly why is that so. Is it the part whereby I can perform a 30-seconds getaway in another mental realm of mine while I'm deep in the music? Or the part when I can just blank out all my troubles as I am continuously performing visual check-ups on my surrounding while plotting the next navigational course of movement? I enjoy every second on the road.
This morning, after visiting a client in Tuas, I decided to take a slightly longer route back to my office. I chanced upon this long, winding road by the sea and it wasn't long before I was facing the Tuas Check-point to West Malaysia. Hundred metres from the checkpoint, I'm suppose to perform U-turn back to the City. Momentarily, I thought,"What if?"
Fifteen minutes later, in Malaysia land. It was the never-ending rural landscape, the country-road, my steed and me. The romance. So close. There couldn't be anyone else in our way. Not even my phone, which wasn't on auto-roaming.
An hour later, I made out a distinguishing shape of coconut-drink stall by the roadside. Like a lover on heat, yearning for short, revitalising break, I stalled. Sashaying towards the hawker, he smiled knowingly at me. I reciprocated with a weary grin. Three steps towards him, my grin fell flat and I paused in my steps. Instantly, I made a turn back to my steed, leaving the hawker with a puzzled expression and gapping mouth.
Nabeh! I had no ringgit with me!